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natufian culture造句

"natufian culture"是什么意思  
  • PPNA succeeds the Natufian culture of the Epipaleolithic ( Mesolithic ).
  • Around 10th millennium BCE, the Natufian culture existed in the area.
  • It corresponds to the latest stages of the Natufian culture.
  • The N1b subclade has been observed in an ancient individual belonging to the Natufian culture.
  • They are generally thought to have been ancestral to the later Natufian culture that occupied much of the same range.
  • BCE ) is the time of flourishing of the Natufian culture and development of sedentism among the hunter-gatherers.
  • The first sedentary villages were established around fresh water springs and lakes in the Levantine corridor by the Natufian culture.
  • Some of the articles on this subject include : Natufian culture, JMmon culture, List of Neolithic cultures of China and Mehrgarh.
  • The Kebaran is preceded by the Athlitian phase of the Antelian and followed by the proto-agrarian Natufian culture of the Epipalaeolithic.
  • It succeeds the Natufian culture of the Epipaleolithic ( Mesolithic ) as the domestication of plants and animals was in its beginnings, possibly triggered by the Younger Dryas.
  • It's difficult to see natufian culture in a sentence. 用natufian culture造句挺难的
  • However, our article on Natufian culture says " It was an Epipalaeolithic culture, but unusual in that it established permanent settlements even before the introduction of agriculture.
  • Dorothy Garrod, who excavated at Mount Carmel as a BSAJ student in 1929 along with Mary Kitson-Clark and Elinor Ewbank, produced evidence of the Natufian culture.
  • She continued his prospecting in the Holy Land where she had individualized Natufian culture in 1928, had excavated a site ( the Mugharet el Emireh ) in Lower Galil閑.
  • In the Levant, artifacts which may be arrow-shaft straighteners are known from the Natufian culture, ( ca . 12, 800-10, 300 BP ) onwards.
  • In the nearby Es Skhul cave excavations revealed the first evidence of the late Epipalaeolithic Natufian culture, characterized by the presence of abundant microliths, human burials and ground stone tools.
  • Natufian culture also demonstrates the earliest domestication of the dog, and the assistance of this animal in hunting and guarding human settlements may have contributed to the successful spread of this culture.
  • Militarev, who linked proto-Afroasiatic to the Levantine Natufian culture, that preceded the spread of farming technology, believes the language family to be about 10, 000 years old.
  • According to Christy G . Turner II, there is an archaeological and physical anthropological reason for a relation between the modern Semitic-speaking populations of the Levant and the Natufian culture.
  • However, in some places hunter-gatherers have had access to food surpluses, such as among some of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest and perhaps during the Mesolithic Natufian culture.
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